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Reed Switch

Wire Inspection
Nickel Iron wire is checked for physical dimensions, surface defects, and hardness.
Reed Pressing
The wire is spin straightened and pressed into reed blades. The pressed reed blades are checked for physical dimensions, straightness, and visual defects.
Reeds are degreased to remove grease and oil. The plant has a built in cooling system to minimize vapour loss
Degreased reeds are annealed to soften them and to reduce magnetic remanance. Magnetic remanance checks and hardness checks are carried out after annealing.
Annealed reeds are loaded into carriers and plated as per required differential, load, and contact specifications.
Thickness Measurement
A few samples of plated reeds are checked for microns of precious metal plating and double checked with differential tests.
Bake Out
Plated blades are baked out in a controlled atmosphere to burn off surface organics.
Reed Switch Sealing
Baked out reeds and pre-cleaned glass tubes are sealed in an inert atmosphere in automatic assembly machines.
Lead Out Plating
Reed switch terminal ends are Tin plated for solderability.
Dry Buzzing
Lead out plated reed switches are dry buzzed for 4 million operations for stabilizing the contact.
Buzzed reed switches are sorted into required sensitivity bands. Other parameters like static and variable contact resistance are also measured 100%. Sorted switches are packed and shipped.